Blue Shroud Band

Blue Shroud Band

Whilst THE BLUE SHROUD reflects on the human condition and the continued suffering and violence in the world […] it is certainly not meant to be an overt political statement. It is a composition that presents superb musicians in a creative scenario that reflects my humble belief that compassion is still a currency open to all, with the ultimate hope that humanity might at some stage learn from history. Barry Guy

Barry Guy – The Blue Shroud
Blue Shroud Band:
Savina Yannatou, voice
Maya Hamburger, violin
Fanny Paccoud, viola
Ben Dwyer, guitar
Agustí Fernández, piano
Juliusz Gabriel, saxophone
Per Texas Johansson, clarinet, saxophones
Michael Niesemann, oboe, saxophones
Percy Pursglove, trumpet
Torben Sneakedstadt, trumpet, saxophones
Michael Godard, tuba, serpent
Ramón López, Lucas Niggli, percussion
Barry Guy, double bass, conductor

17.10.2015, Warszawa, Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia im. Witolda Lutosławskiego / Warsaw, The Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio
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